(480) 680-7432

亚利桑那州保护令 & 禁止骚扰的禁令

希尔2022世界杯投注官网 has a dedicated team of attorneys who will work with you to contest your order of protection or injunction against 骚扰. 我们的 lawyers have decades of experience in both family law and criminal law 情况下 that involve these orders. We utilize our experience and dedication to uncover all of the unique facts in your case necessary to successfully present your defense to the court.

-保护令 & 禁止骚扰律师的禁令


Many times orders of protection are used unjustly in family law 情况下 when one party tries to gain the upper hand in a case by making accusations against the other party. This tactic is painful to the party being accused and is something that our family law lawyers see far too often. 如果这发生在你身上,你不确定如何进行,我们可以帮助.

The attorneys at 希尔2022世界杯投注官网 have decades of expereince successfully contesting orders of protection and injunctions against 骚扰 in criminal and family law courts throughout Arizona and can help you today. 随时打电话给我们免费, 没有义务咨询,所以我们可以收集所有必要的信息,我们需要赢得你的案子.



我们的 attorneys are available 24/7 for a free consultation if you have been served with an order of protection or injunction against 骚扰 related to a criminal or family law case. 和我们一起开始很容易, call today for a free case review and our attorneys will take the time to discuss the unique facts of your situation and collect all of the information we need to win your case..


在亚利桑那州, 保护令由法院发出 保护家庭暴力的受害者. 虽然这些命令是为了保护受害者,但有些人却利用它们来占上风 离婚 or 孩子的监护权 情况下. 了解保护令及其运作方式对接受保护令的人至关重要. 这些类型的命令可能会给那些服从命令的人带来严重的问题.

那些人 受到保护令的人有权上诉. 当提出上诉时,法院将举行听证会,双方都可以在听证会上出示证据. This can allow people who have received unfair protection orders to potentially have them modified or dismissed. 通常, 对保护令上诉的机会只有一次, 因此,正确、有效地完成这一任务势在必行.

一位经验丰富的家庭法律律师 希尔2022世界杯投注官网可以审查已经发布的命令 反对你,并建议你的法律选择.

随时打电话给我们 (480) 637-0314 or 电邮联络我们


保护令是由治安法官或法官发出的命令. 它是在民事案件中发出的一种命令 有时也被称为限制令. 正常情况下, 人们寻求保护令来阻止某人从事家庭暴力行为, 骚扰, 或者攻击他们.

当一个人申请保护令时, 法院将仅根据当事人的要求将其作为初始事项发布. The subject of the protective order will not be given notice that the initial proceeding is occurring and will not be able to defend himself or herself at it.

如果法官或治安法官相信申请命令的人, 法院会发布的. 在恰当地送达被告之后,它 有效期是一年吗. 在执行保护令期间, the defendant will be prohibited from contacting the protected person either directly or through third parties.

例如, 被克制的人将无法呼叫, 文本, 电子邮件, 或者拜访被保护的人. The restrained person will also not be allowed to ask others to pass messages or contact the protected person on his or her behalf.

除了禁止接触外,受保护令限制的人 可能会被命令保持在特定距离内 从被保护方的工作场所,学校或家中. The judge can decide which types of restrictions to place in the protective order to protect the person who requested it.

The type of protective order that might be issued will depend on the relationship that the person seeking the order has with the defendant and whether 家庭暴力 has occurred.



  • 释放指令
  • 紧急保护令
  • 保护令
  • 禁止骚扰的禁令
  • 禁止职场骚扰的禁制令


A release order is a type of protective order that is issued in 家庭暴力 情况下 when people are released from jail. 这些命令将包含被告必须遵守的条件,以防止受害者受到伤害.

Registered release orders are orders that are available in rural areas in Arizona that do not have judges available to issue emergency orders when the courts are closed. 治安部门将释放令送到法院进行认证.


保护令是根据《2022世界杯投注官网》制定的 ARS 13 - 3602. 这是一种保护令,可以授予有家庭暴力风险的人. 这种类型的法律秩序将阻止受约束的人与受保护的人联系.

保护令还可能包括从被束缚的人身上拿走枪支, 使受约束的人离开家, 以及其他类型的保护.


Emergency orders of protection are orders that may be issued by a judge or magistrate to protect someone who is in danger of 家庭暴力. These orders may include orders to stay away from the protected person and grant the protected person the right to the exclusive use of his or her home.

Emergency orders are normally only valid until the end of the next court day unless they are continued by the court.


禁止骚扰的禁令是根据 ARS 12 - 1809. This is a type of protective order that can be issued to prevent someone from harassing the protected person. It might be used in disputes against strangers or acquaintances as well as in those between people who have dated in the past. 禁止骚扰的禁令可以阻止另一个人联系受保护的人.


针对工作场所骚扰的禁令是雇主可以要求的一种命令. 这个顺序在 ARS 12 - 1810 并且可以用来防止某人进入或接触企业骚扰工人.


虽然大多数人认为 家庭暴力 只包括身体暴力, 这个词包含了亚利桑那州的许多不同类型的行为 ARS 13 - 3601. 家庭暴力可能包括身体、性、情感、经济和言语虐待. 可以发布保护令,以保护家庭暴力受害者免受施暴者的伤害.

家庭暴力在亚利桑那州是一个严重的问题, some people abuse the protective order process and request orders against others to gain a better position in family law disputes. 这些订单相当容易获得,但有些并不公平. 有些是用来阻止健康的父母见他们的孩子, 或者强迫无辜的配偶搬出自己的家.

那些人 served with unfair orders of protection should understand their rights and get help from experienced attorneys to fight against them.


A person can ask for a restraining order from the court without the judge hearing anything from the other party. The person who is restrained by a protective order will normally not know that the other person is asking for a protective order and will not be able to present evidence.

不幸的是, some people exploit this process and use protective orders to try to get specific orders from the court about 孩子的监护权 and 离婚 proceedings. 如果你收到了限制令禁止你进入你的家或你的孩子, 这可能会导致严重的问题.

保护令也会出现在背景调查中,对你的就业选择产生负面影响. 如果你想终止保护令,你必须向法院提出动议. 在你等待听证会的时候, 你必须遵守命令,这样你上法庭时才不会削弱你的地位.


限制令有效期为一年. 然而,你可以要求法院修改或撤销对你发出的命令. 你将被允许就解雇或修改命令的请求举行听证会. You should take action immediately by filing a written request when you receive an order of protection to contest it. 在听证会之前不要违反保护令. 这样做可能会让你入狱和罚款,还会损害你的家庭法律案件.

在你的听证会上,你需要提出一些客观证据来支持你的立场. You will need to be able to prove to the court that what you have been accused of either did not happen or could not have occurred. 你的律师可以帮助你决定提交哪种类型的证据. 你可能会介绍的一些证据的例子包括短信, 电话记录, 照片, 和其他人.

当你提交书面请求要求举行听证会时, 在你提出你的要求后,它将被保留不超过10天. 然而, 如果你的命令让你无法回家, 听证会将在五天内举行.

在听证会上,双方都将被允许出示证据和证词. 在很多情况下, 法官修改命令,允许被告接送孩子上学. 有时, 法官可能会发布互惠命令,禁止原诉一方骚扰原诉被告.


收到限制令会对你的生活造成严重破坏. If you have been served with an unfair order of protection that is preventing you from seeing your children or returning to your home, 你应该尽快从席尔2022世界杯投注官网一位有经验的律师那里得到帮助.

我们的 家庭法律师 能帮上忙吗? 在保护令面前为你辩护 并协助你 家庭法事宜.

联系希尔2022世界杯投注官网 今天打电话预约会诊 480.637.0314.









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